Friday, January 7, 2011


Farooq is my cousin.
When he comes to my house, I will imagine that he is my brother.
We call him "Rooqy".

Farooq loves to eat tidbits like Hello Panda.
His favourite fruit is purple grapes. Green grapes are too sour.

Farooq loves my mommy's IPhone because she has "Angry Birds".
He will dance whenever he listens to "Angry Birds" song.

When he is tired, I will make him listen to Maher Zain's songs.
We will fall asleep together when we listen to "Alhamdullilah".

Farooq calls my Tok Daddy "Tok Dan" and my Tok Mummy "Tok Mak".
He calls me "Kakak Yaya".
I hope this will not be forever.

This is him dancing and humming to the music.