Monday, June 4, 2012

my pet love bird

My favourite animal is a love bird.
I first saw a love bird in my mothers friends house.
I asked my parents to take me to the pet shop.
But both of the pet shops were closed because it was at night.
I felt sad but my parents tried hard to get my pet love bird.
I intend to name my love bird Bubbles.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My time at school

Hello! I am sorry I did not blog for a long time. I am enjoying myself in school. I want to tell you all about it. I like recess. I will buy garlic is 20c. I will buy noodles. it is 60c. I will buy pancake. It is 50c. I will buy Mee rebus. It is 60c. The gravy will make me chomot.  I also spend my money at the bookshop and my mother will scold me she say that the things i buy are all sampar. I will just say ok and the next day i buy again. for me it is not sampah. After eating, I will play catching with my friends. They are Norhizawati,Rayner,   Howthong,Faiz, Khidir. Faiz and Khidir are shorter than me so they cannot be my boyfriend. But I will still like them After the bell rings,we have to go in the canteen again than we wait for our form teacher to colect us. My form teacher is sweet Mdm Goh. she is very pretty and kind and very good. I help her carry things to the classroom and put on her table. ok it is late. I must sleep now. good night sleep tight dream of bed bugs tonight.